The Extended Social Services Program is funded by New York City Council, Department for the Aging and sponsored by the Polish and Slavic Center; therefore, our services are provided completely free of charge.
LITTLE PICASSO – Painting Class, Ages 6-13
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The program offers information, help and assistance in obtaining benefits in the following areas:
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- Retirement Benefits
- Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE)
- Survivor Benefits
- Senior Citizen Homeowners Exemption (SCHE)
- Disability Benefits
- Real Property Tax Credit (IT-214)
- New York State School Tax Relief Program
- Veterans Benefits
- Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
- Public Assistance
- Weatherization Referral and Packing Program
- Medicare Part A, B & D
- Life Line Telephone Service
- Medicaid
- Elder Pharmaceutical insurance Coverage
- Reduce Public Transportation Fare (MTA)
- Unemployment Benefits
- Access-A-Ride
- Public Housing
- Union Pension
Our work consists on giving complete information about all benefits provided by the City of New York ,the New York State and the Federal Government, filling out applications, prescreening for eligibility, translating all sorts documents, explaining laws and regulations, and utilizing our phone contacts to different agencies or services to solve problems promptly if the situation requires.
Program operates:
Monday thru Friday: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Program Director: Dorota Pastula
CONTACT: Dorota Pastula DRIVING DIRECTIONSDetailed Information:
176 Java Street, Suite 1,
Brooklyn, NY 11222
tel: 718-383-3324, 718-383-2360,
ext. 208 Dorota Pastula,
ext. 204 Ewelina Rudiak
fax: 718-383-5061,
email: [email protected]